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  1. about 14 hours ago on Dana Summers

    Trump said he had nothing to ask God for forgiveness for. A man who has cheated on all of his wives, proudly shown his greed and bragged about assaulting women has nothing to ask forgiveness for? And this is the man you want as your leader? Seems a lot like the anti Christ to me. He sure loves his name all over everything and it seems like many so called Christians have his name tatooed on their souls. Numerically that is 666.

  2. about 19 hours ago on Gary Markstein

    Is that why the mob broke windows and doors, beat on cops and sprayed them with pepper spray?

  3. about 24 hours ago on Dana Summers

    Ah, the vast left wing conspiracy. You got us, we are all powerful. You have no chance. Everything bad that happens was directed by Soros. That traffic jamb that made you late for work? George Soros did that.

  4. about 24 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Odd, Google Translate doesn’t have an option for idiot. Would you translate your comment for us?

  5. 1 day ago on Bob Gorrell

    Prove it, all you got so far is innuendo from the writtings of a drug addict and those are so reliable (insert eye roll here).

  6. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    And that the Constitution should be suspended for him cause he’s so special.

  7. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    So much whining from the self proclaimed law and order party. Any one else tired of so much whining?

  8. 1 day ago on Bill Bramhall

    “henceforth orange billionairs shall be exempt….”

  9. 1 day ago on Dana Summers

    Clinton conceded and congratulated Trump. As far as I know there was no massive thug riot to change the results like J6. Nor was Clinton or Gore responsible for a fake elector scheme. Only one side has been responsible for the first ever non-peaceful transfer of power in this country. Only one candidate has said all laws and the Constitution should be suspended for them. But if the false equivalency makes you feel better there is nothing I nor others can do to dissuade you from cuddling it like Linus does his blanket.

  10. 2 days ago on Dana Summers

    We know that Trump and many of his followers do not accept the decision of the voters in the 2020 election. Why would they accept any decision that goes against him? As he said, he can get away with murder with many of the voters. So far, thankfully, he is not getting the same appeasment in courts of law.